The Edukata model has a few central concepts that you need to know in order to understand the support materials.
Scenarios – Innovative and challenging ideas of what learning and teaching could look like in the future.
Learning Activities – Detailed description of how to perform learning and teaching in the classroom.
Learning Stories – Examples of how a number of learning activities could be used together in a course.
Design Challenges – Circumstances that hinder learning and learning activities, and which can be addressed through designing better activities.
Design Opportunities – Practices or circumstances that support learning and that can be highlighted through learning activities, such as good practices that are in place at the school or classroom.
Useful resources – Tools, services, people, and events that may be useful in carrying out a learning activity.
Facilitator – Person in charge of the design process, and who preferably has experience or training in participatory design methods. Each Edukata process should have one facilitator.
Full-time members – 2-3 people who are committed to the design process and attend workshops and reflections of workshops.
Part-time members – 3-5 people who comment on the design work and participate in workshops or additional Edukata phases.
Badges – Certificates that are awarded for sharing high-quality Learning Activities and for facilitating successful Edukata workshops.
Certified Edukata Facilitators – People trained by experienced Edukata professionals and who have sufficient understanding of participatory design and Edukata to facilitate successful workshops.
Edukata Facilitator
Certified facilitator of Edukata Design Studios, where participants create high quality Learning Activities.