We at Team Edukata have been hard at work. We don’t want to be the only people that can organize Edukata design sessions at schools. So we’re creating a way for anyone to become a certified Edukata facilitator.

What you need to do is attend a Facilitator training workshop, where we give you both practical and theoretical knowledge about the principles of Edukata, about participatory design, and about qualities of good learning activities. After this you may organize a trial Edukata session with your colleagues. We will review Learning Activities created in that session, and if they are good enough, you will be granted the Edukata Facilitator certificate and badge.
Edukata.fi will list all people with this badge, so it’s easy for anyone to make sure that they have a proficient facilitator in their design session.
Our first Facilitator Training Workshop took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, on the 24th of March 2014. 19 teachers and headmasters attended, and most of them were interested in trying out Edukata with their colleagues. We’re right now in the process of setting up support materials, badges, and other infrastructure. The second Facilitator Workshop will happen on the 9th of April in Hämeenlinna, Finland.
This seems to be a helpful tool for educators. Will there be any workshops available in Germany? If so, do I have apply?
Many interested teachers are still involved in the iTEC project, through which training is provided. As the project ends after the summer, upcoming training workshops will be down to individual trainers. We are in the process of registering competent facilitators and trainers, so we can provide interested people with contact information, but this is still in its early stages. You can contact Anna Keune, one of the main designers of iTEC, who could provide workshops in the German language.